Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas, 2008 style

Here I'm sitting in the middle of my living room where I can only see a few spots of carpet. The same can be said for the rest of the house. It would probably be this way anyway, but I'm allowing myself to sit in the middle of this mess and write, because it has been quite a Christmas week!

Flu season! So much for the flu shot?!! I've been waking up with a fever each day. As a person with MS, that means I can't walk until I have some Tylenol. It started really hitting Monday afternoon, as I sat trying to wrap presents--not being able to detach the tape, not being able to use the scissors. Then my husband returned home and found the Tylenol. Christmas morning was perhaps the worst. I woke up and could not move--rolled off the couch (I slept there so I wouldn't wake Dave up with coughing). I pulled myself to the Tylenol, then just sat there until it took effect. Then came the head cold. What a Christmas!

I thought I'd do some uplifting Christmas post to me, in celebration of making it to Christmas. I did make it, if one calls this making it. And now, these 12 days of Christmas are a recovery time, a realization that I was going to be hit with something, sometime, in the process of doing way too much. Listen Beth, listen!

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