Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Ones I Love

It has been a really exciting and trying week--one of those weeks when I wonder how all the good can be so mixed with all the bad.

My 5 year old daughter, Lori, started Kindergarten this week. It was so exciting for her--everything is new and exciting. She seems to have a great teacher. It's hard to get out of a 5 year old what they learned or did all day, but little pieces come out gradually--games she played that sahe loved, silly things they did. She loves wearing a dress every day--I wonder if she equates it with me going to work--like her little world of Kindergarten work. I love my little "Kindie" so much.

And then, on the flip side, there is my cat, Boo Boo. I love her so much--she is my first cat of my own. Last summer, she had an acute episode of kidney failure. A few days ago, she had another episode. It seems, in a way, like cat kidney MS. Exacerbations, incomplete recoveries--the drill. I want her back the way she was though I know she probably won't be. Much like MS--it makes me wonder what people think or hope of me. She is at the vet until Fri. I saw her today--she didn't look too happy--at least she is not in pain. Or could people mostly say that about my MS? In any case, I just don't think it's fair. And MS is unfair.

And then the MS interaction--actually going to see Boo Boo makes my legs go--must be endorphins.

So much happiness, so much sadness--is there hope? God, please help me to find that hope.

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