Saturday, April 12, 2008

Zip, Zap, Zzz...................

What an odd title! It's the only thing I can think of posting right now, but wanted to post something, because it has been quite a week! Zip, zap would be the feeling of my legs sometimes. This morning I was trying to curl my hair and my right leg was ready to go off to the races. So I would start curling and then zip, zap! There it would go, with me trying to twist the curling iron. And it's been doing that ALL week. Then the Zzz... well, while I have the alive leg ready for a marathon, the rest of me is ready for a serious nap! Tuesday I was completely exhausted; Wednesday and Friday I had thoughts of getting to work early. Ha! I didn't want to get out of bed. Once out, there was that whole right leg thing. And then my right hand had the numb thing. BUT, since I didn't actually fall, and since I was able to sleep a lot Friday night, I think I (knock on wood), may have kicked this thing, because it's too soon for an attack!

I bet this is a stress reaction--too many things going too fast--getting ready to switch jobs, school, typical mom guilt, functions to go to and arrange. Aarrgghh! So it's calming time--giving myself tonight to read a nonstress book and relax; tomorrow to go to church where I feel this sense of calm during the service...breathe...

Thanks to God for pulling me through this week (with me kicking and screaming).

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