Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Racing through the snow to get an award...

OK, so I'm really awaiting the final election returns tonight...

In the meantime, I went skiing this weekend and it was so fun! Thur, Fri, and Sat. Then Sat night I went to an awards ceremony where a miracle happened and I won an award! It was the Diversity award for Kaiser Permanente, which I won for the disability stuff I love to do. And I had to give a brief speech which went something like:

When I was diagnosed with MS over 15 years ago, I felt totally helpless, isolated, and alone. But through the years people have found me and helped me to realize I can still be the athlete I once was, and the person who I was when I was diagnosed with MS. Diversity has done this to me. It is my hope that moving forward I can reach other people who have diseases or disabilities and feel alone, and get them to see the togetherness that diversity can bring to them.

Whew--cheesy but from the heart.

After skiing and that, I woke up to snow Sunday morning and decided that instead of going to church, perhaps God wanted me to take a day to rest. I was sore, even more sore Monday, and today, Tuesday, still somewhat sore and still tired. But it's a good sore and I had a great time.

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