Monday, June 27, 2011

Will you?

One of the things I miss now that I've decided to walk up for Communion at church (they would bring it to me and anyone else) is usually the second hymn sung during Communion.

But I do love more that I walk up to Communion and then back to my seat (although it's slow) and am not exhausted (not being tired is the whole key to things) when I get back - actually when I return to my seat my legs are deciding they are "ready to go," but they have to wait until the end of the service. But the hymns... this Sunday it was:

Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don't know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
will you let my name be known,
will you let my love be grown in you and you in me?

I love the words and I love the flowing melody - it's like gentle waves.


Take the road not taken and be amazed.

Go out and do good works.

Let the Three in One in.

The first line seems to be following me so much:
Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?

Be still. Listen. It's there...



Friedpod said...

Hi Beth,
I came upon your blog in an unusual way, thanks to googling. I am a writer in New York, traveling the US creating a collection of stories and photographic portraits of people with MS. I am currently in Asheville, NC, sitting with friends and debating the role of faith in the difficult struggle with MS, which my mother also had for 20 years before her death last year. I began to search for those balancing religion and their diagnosis- its an aspect of living with disease I have not yet begun to tackle in this project. I came upon your wonderful blog and am hoping you might share your story with me, and those who are also seeking ways to reconcile life with MS. I wasn't sure how to get in touch, so I hope this works!
Nadine Friedman

Friedpod said...

oh- and my email is